Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to change the world and its environment. From the discovery of the wheel, to computers and mp3 players to self-driving cars, it’s clear that technological innovations have changed our daily lives. But behind the impressive results of these discoveries, human curiosity and foresight remain the driving forces.
Technology has come a long way since the first hand-axes created by our hominid ancestors millions of years ago. Modern technologies are usually complex tools that require specific and general training to design, build and maintain. They also require large scale production techniques and organizational structures to support them.
Unlike science, which focuses on necessity and universality, technology reasons through contingencies and constraints. It prioritizes certain paths and necessarily neglects others. As such, a technology implicitly endorses some moral slant or system. For instance, while Facebook and Instagram have the same end (connecting people online), Instagram prioritizes a visual aesthetic as a route to that end.
It can also change the course of our lives by introducing new ways of doing things. Some of these changes are good, but they can also be dangerous. Moreover, some of these changes can eliminate jobs and make some people obsolete. This can create a lot of anxiety for people. However, if used in the right way, technology can help you streamline various tasks and increase your productivity. This will allow you to reach your final goals in a hassle-free manner.