News is the information that we receive from newspapers, magazines, radio and television. It is intended to inform, educate and entertain. In many societies, the major part of News is concerned with politics, wars and peace, social affairs and economic problems. Other important parts of News are the weather, food and drink, fashion and health – especially medicine and hospitals. The news media also keeps us informed about what is going on in other countries – and even other planets.
In general, it is the unusual or unexpected that makes news. This is why a man catching a bus to work will not be news, but the death of a president or royal wedding will be. Different societies may have different ideas about what is newsworthy, though. For example, in one society it might be unusual for a dog to bite a man, but in another it is common.
A good way to keep up with the news is by signing up for some newsletters. These are delivered to your email or mobile phone on a daily basis and can give you a quick overview of the world’s events. Examples of these include Economist Espresso, Next Draft, The New York Times Morning Briefing, Quartz Daily Brief and The Skimm (though its branding does imply that it is more for women than men!).
Encourage students to consider how they get their News. What is their filter bubble? Help them break out of it by challenging their confirmation bias and finding quality sources.