Automobiles are motor vehicles that have 4 or more wheels and carry passengers or cargo. They are usually powered by a gasoline, diesel or electric engine. They are faster and more convenient than walking or riding a bicycle, especially for long distances. They are often able to go places that other wheeled transport (buses, trains or bicycles) cannot due to poor road conditions or other obstacles.
Many people have tried to make automobiles, but most historians believe that Karl Benz invented the modern automobile when he made his Benz Patent-Motorwagen in 1886. The Benz Patent-Motorwagen used a four-stroke type of internal combustion engine, which was the first of its kind. The automobile changed society because it gave more freedom to people and allowed them to travel longer distances. It also led to the development of new industries and services, such as roads, fuel supply, and convenience stores.
After the invention of the automobile, companies began to mass produce them to meet the growing demand. This caused the number of automobile manufacturers to decrease. Many small producers were unable to compete with the larger, more efficient car companies like Ford and General Motors.
Another major change brought by the automobile was that women could now drive them, whereas they previously had to be carried in carriages by men. As a result, there was an increase in female employment and political activism. Women began to use their automobiles to campaign for the right to vote.